Saturday, November 20, 2004


i received an email earlier this week that contained a picture of the man in question, found by an unsuspecting seez on the queen's 2004 yearbook website. i have to express what profound luck i have stumbled upon in having met the gurv. when he ties one on, he's fearless.

i was bored as hell at the varsity newspaper party the other night. i was talking the same old introductory bullshit with people i wasn't terribly interested in meeting and within minutes, the course of action shifted dramatically. some very crucial elements entered the equation, the first being the unending supply of booze brought in by the editors, and the second being the arrival of the gurv and magdalicious, who'd just been given some attitude by the hip hop bitches they photographed for the paper. we were all ready to party at this point and let off a bit of steam, so we struck the booze hard as the party got louder. we ran into a british animator who so kindly took us out to the second floor balcony for a spliff with his adorable girlfriend.

the varsity happens to occupy the same building as the campus police. so when a cop parked his cruiser under the balcony, we figured we'd refrain from attracting any attention.

"NOT I!" said the gurv, who, within a minute of the cop's entrance to the building, began pissing off the balcony in the officer's wake on the sidewalk below. we made it known to the gurv that perhaps he should wait for the cop to go back to his car and drive away, just in case he wasn't the piss fetish type.

"NOT I!" said the gurv, who then redirected his goldren stream to the hood of the cruiser.

after a hearty piss, he turned to me and said "man...i gotta take off. i'm tired." and leave we did, with smiles on our faces.

the gurv has no recollection of this event, but i'd like to thank him for providing me with this memory that makes me laugh out loud when i think about it.

1 comment:

Guy Stevos said...

some say insoucance. some say furious sexual power. i'd say a few glasses of wine too many.