Sunday, December 19, 2004


i had this really outrageous dream last night in which i was part of a terrorist cell whose aim was to blow up the CN tower. somehow, i was selected by this group of islamic militants to be the one who set the charges. the plan was to wire up the bathroom of the CN tower with explosives. they knew this guy was going to come and stop me from doing it, so the plan called for me to kill him by tricking him into drinking tide. he certainly came, and i disposed of him quickly by offering him the tide, clearly in an unadulterated tide bottle that was clearly labelled "tide", but he drank it anyway and died by puking up a light blue yogurt-like substance. i could see on my portable video screen that militant friends were cheering me on, saying "you mut do it now, the final step!" as i set the charges on the toilet, i thought to myself, "is this right? aren't a lot of people going to die?" and then i justified it by reasoning that the general consensus was that the CN tower was a big eye sore and no one in the city liked it, and people across canada would say en masse "see? toronto isn't the centre of the universe" so i'm pretty sure that by the time the dream was over, the charges had been detonated and the tower was in rubble.


the radio show now has its own blog. i'm looking to update this as often as possible and i'd like some people to contribute reviews and musical suggestions and industry news, etc. please let me know if you're serious about this.

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