Thursday, October 07, 2004


la ville inconnue, by edith piaf, which when translated into english, reads like so:

"in a strange town I love nothing. i wander in streets that are too long, almost endless, or get lost among the wharves and sidestreets or the empty boulevards. then between two houses i hear the racket of a long train crossing a bridge to nowhere. in a strange town, night and day, i wander like that lost dog. people pass by as if they wanted to get away from me, and have no time to a strange city when night comes I am afriad of these bare gray walls, afraid of this hotel, of the cold bed and the cruel morning that will waken me! i would like to sleep even through the day with my memories of love. in a strange town i think of you; but do you remember me - a little?"

i really need to start having sex again before this strange town ties my tubes.


Anonymous said...

Stevie, doing a research job in Sicily and ran out of things to look up on the net...not that you're a lost consideration found. I too live straddling the past and the future (read some of your posts)...Guess that means the present is up my ass,seems about right.Have thought of you a few times the past couple of years. So much has changed. I guess I've lived in Scotland and now Italy...Toronto makes my skin crawl so I do anything to avoid it, even moving to Sicily and shacking up with my boyfriend.Was home for 6 weeks this summer, I feel colourblind when I'm there and see only in shades of beige. Living in Toronto with Gurv? Bachelor padding it? Will look you up when I get home. I got the distinct feeling that we had one of those one way friendships, where I cared and you were switched off. Reading your posts I think your inability to be vulnerable conflicts with my abnormal willingness to be just that.Hope you don't take that the wrong way...after all no one has the right to be offended. E-mail and I'll get back to you. Kiss Gurv for me and get him to kiss you back for me as well. Ciao, Sarah J.

Guy Stevos said...

hi sarah! its nice to hear from you. it wasn't a one way friendship, but yes, i was vulnerable and i've learned alot of things over the past year. i'll be in touch with you soon.